Online Education and its Importance with Video Conference.
In the pandemic of corona virus one of the buzzing word we listen and we often see is the ‘Online Education’. We also have heard the news that most of the educational and other institutes are running online education. First, we have to understand that what is online education?
Meaning and Understanding of Online Education
Simple and clear meaning of online education is that ‘The education which is delivered through internet using video call or in any form is called as online education’. The basic necessity for online education is the computer, smartphone or tablet with good speed of internet.
Why E-Study over the Physical or Offline Study
Now a days it is getting boring day by to go to specific location for study. Most of the current kids do not prefer the traditional learning system. Some professionals and experts believe that in some scenario traditional system consume lots of time which can be utilized in productive activity. Specially it becomes convenient for tutor as well students both. Anywhere and anytime lecturer can start the video lecture and students can learn through e-conference anywhere. Specially in the pandemic like COVID-19, almost all the educational institutes are closed. In this situation video-based study is the only option for an organization.
Importance of Online Education via Video Conferencing
- Does not Concern any Physical Boundary: Video based study does not concern about any physical boundary. It means that teacher can deliver video conference anywhere from the world but yet students can learn from their home. Because of this loaded feature it also adds some revenue in the economy of the country. Because many professionals are earning by delivering video conferencing to international institutes from India.
- Visual Presentation: In developing country like India there is lack of digital classrooms in many of the school. We all know that visual representation of particular topic impact more than any other. Because of the lack of e-classrooms or digital boards, knowledge of the different professionals is not fully utilized. At the same time in the video conferencing-based learning lecturer can design animation of the specific topic in student friendly way that student can learn easily. Also, they can deliver the specific topic in the video format to support the topic. The main benefit in video-based study is that teachers can teach with the pen like gestures in the video conference. So, that also non-technical people can adapt to that system easily.
- Accessibility: The main disadvantage of offline study is that student cannot rewind the session if he feels that he has missed something important. While in the video conferencing system, student can access the video of the past delivered session at anytime and anywhere. If in case student could unable to join the session, he can also access that missed session. Which adds solid time flexibility to a student.
Future Importance of Online Studies through Video Conferencing
Specially taking India as a subject, in last 3-4 years internet connectivity has reached almost all over the India. So, in India there is no issue of basic platform for video conferencing. There are lots of apps available in market like zoom,google meet,google classroom, google duo, skype etc. These apps have good support in terms of video call quality and audio quality also user interface of these apps is so easy that anyone can adapt it very easily. In addition, almost all the people of India has started using smartphone and internet. They have started learning the power of internet. In India most of the family has 2-3 smartphone in the home. Also, parents have started understanding the power of e-education through video call or video conference. So, student can borrow a smart phone from his parent for online education. Experts believe that India has started adapting online education nicely and It is prediction that it will definitely grow more in future because of the lots of advantages. Lots of teachers have started delivering online classes for international universities and started earning well. So, there is no sign of downfall in online study.
Blog by,
Henil Patel
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